Everything you need to know about sunscreens

As summer approaches, we tell you everything about the role of sunscreens, what the sun capital is and of course how to protect yourself well.

Essential oils and natural mosquito repellents

No more ruining your vacation with mosquito bites. We give you some natural solutions to keep them away and relieve their bites.

Recipe n°51: Sand roses with soy flakes

A no-bake recipe that's easy to make with the kids

Alternatives to disposable sanitary pads

There are a few eco-friendly alternatives to disposable tampons and pads! We take stock of the advantages of their use.

Solid toothpaste, to be reconstituted, in powder, which one to choose?

What are the alternatives to traditional toothpaste? A solid toothpaste? To reconstruct? To chew? We go around the question.

Solid toothpaste, to be reconstituted, in powder, which one to choose?

What are the alternatives to traditional toothpaste? A solid toothpaste? To reconstruct? To chew? We go around the question.

Recipe n°50: Nice Cream with Red Fruits

Want a fruity, refreshing and vegan dessert? We have prepared a recipe for "Nice Cream" with red fruits.

Recipe n°49: Vegetarian Steaks

Want to go plant-based this week? We have prepared delicious vegetarian steaks for you to reduce your meat consumption.

Tutorials / DIY n°5: Vinegar Gel

This week, we're tackling limescale with a homemade vinegar gel.