Ecoidées is a reference distributor in the network of specialized BIO stores. It is developing its own "Bio & Fair Trade" projects and favors the sector of small producers.
Ecoidées carries out actions in Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Croatia and France. Respect for people is at the heart of their concerns and they are constantly improving in the implementation of their convictions.
At the start, the company was called "Lumière de Sel", a brand of Himalayan salt created and developed by Pierre-Alexandre Huber in 2002. Joined shortly after by Samia Huber and close friends, the team today has 22 members. The company changed its name in 2005 to Ecoidées (Ecological Ideas).
Ecoillées introduces real new products to the French market such as goji berries, aronia berries, golden milk... For several years, the company has been involved in the development of fair trade sectors , its charter of social and environmental responsibility as well as in solidarity actions in the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Cambodia but also in France with regional actors engaged in the development of local organic agriculture.