And now, the holidays are coming to an end. It's time to find his work colleagues and for the children to find the school benches.

Is this a difficult time for you and your children? Is it time to sort through your cupboards and tidy up in order to start this new school year lightly?

To help you have a serene start to the new school year, Julie, our favorite naturopath, reveals her tips for making this moment sweeter.


The back-to-school kit

Facilitate sleep and falling asleep : Who says back to school, says restorative sleep to be in shape to start the day well. Several choices are available to you:

HE Petit Grain Bigarade or HE Orange or Synergy Sleep : 10 drops in a cold diffuser to diffuse 30min before going to bed.

HE True Lavender or HE Orange : 2 drops to dilute in vegetable oil, then massage the arch of the foot (2 drops per foot) just before going to bed.

For children: 1 teaspoon of Roman chamomile hydrosol in a glass of water to take 15 minutes before bedtime + 1 drop HE True Lavender or Orange diluted in 1 drop of vegetable oil in massage under the arch of the foot before to sleep.

Sanitize the office : In order to prepare for fall and winter infections, it is important to sanitize your office, where you spend most of your time.

HE Radiated Eucalyptus or Synergy (the synergy is not suitable for children because of the presence of cinnamon). 10 drops to diffuse in a cold diffuser.

Prevention of lice : The children go back to school and unfortunately the lice too! So we plan ahead and from the first outbreak of lice, we apply this essential oil to prevent children from catching them.

1 drop HE True Lavender to put behind each ear before going to school.

Headache : With the Métro Boulot Dodo rhythm, headaches may appear on certain days. So to overcome that, a very simple trick.

1 drop of Peppermint EO in massage on the temples (adults and older children).

⚠️ If you accidentally have essential oil in your eye: rub with a cotton soaked in vegetable oil and not water!

Concentrate : It's hard to concentrate again after this wonderful vacation that has just ended. Here is a little reflex to have for optimal concentration.

HE Laurier Noble : take a deep breath in each nostril directly from the bottle (adults only).


The indispensable

Of course, always remember to stay hydrated. Just because the holidays are over doesn't mean you have to forget to drink throughout the day. To do this, take your water bottle with you to work and wear your child's for school.

To be fit all day, it is important to eat a good breakfast and good nutrients. Think of the Breakfast MIX or Goji berries to add to your breakfast or take away in your bag.

⚠️ Pay attention to the details of use of essential oils. Do not replace one essential oil with another and always contact a professional. In case of serious problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor.