The bouquet of roses

A symbol of love and essential for Valentine's Day, the rose is the best-selling flower in France. Indeed, nearly 60% of the flowers that are offered during Valentine's Day are roses. What is less known is that behind these beautiful petals hides a significant ecological impact and its production is not without consequences for the environment.

According to France Inter more than half of the roses sold in France come from France. foreign countries such as Kenya or Ethiopia, countries where water resources are often threatened and where indoor cultivation (cultivation in greenhouses lit day and night) is customary. Sad life for a flower with such a strong symbol.

To overcome this, here are some little ideas for seasonal flowers to offer to your Valentine:

  • Camellias
  • Tulips
  • Jasmine
  • Amaryllis
  • Irises

All these flowers are seasonal and also grown in France. To be sure, you can refer to the Fleurs de France or Blue Plant. In any case, the specialist is your favorite florist! Ask her to make you a pretty bouquet with local and seasonal flowers, embellished with some evergreens: you will have the most beautiful bouquet.

The decor and the atmosphere

We spend the evening in dim light, candles are in order and I'm sure you have a few candles or tealights lying around in a cupboard, it's time to bring them out! If you have a few tealight holders, you can even make them a little decoration. Let your creativity express itself, it's your evening!

Why not add some essential oils, either in < a href="">a diffuser or a massage oil, they will enhance your evening. Besides, flowers have symbols, why not hide a message for your other half? Here are some symbols:

  • Geranium: "I'm thinking of you"
  • Lavender: “I love you dearly”
  • Mint: “your memory lives on in me”
  • Rosemary: “my heart is happy”

You can also write your most beautiful statement on a paper letter and soak it with a few drops of essential oils. Sensation guaranteed!


You came home early to put on your most beautiful apron and your Valentine or Valentine is coming soon. Don't panic, here are some ideas for making your meal for two.

Welcome your other half with a little aperitif, Happy Hours seeds will be perfect for that. Whether you're more Almond Sesame and Honey or more Spicy Curry Mix, they'll be a hit with your significant other.

You can prepare a small starter with carrots, radishes or even white cabbage. For the dish, once again, why not take advantage of seasonal vegetables! you can start with a small leek fondue, accompanied by rice and fish. With for dessert, a small fruit salad (pear, kiwi, apple and orange for example) or some chocolates.

Happy Valentine's Day <3