What is Pink October?

Pink October is the annual communication campaign to raise awareness among women about breast cancer screening and also to raise funds for research . It is important to advance medicine by mobilizing everyone against this disease.

This month is not only a month of awareness but also a month of hope and unity . It reminds women and their loved ones of the importance of early detection and support for people affected by breast cancer.

This campaign, created in 1985 in the United States, runs from October 1 to October 31 each year . In most municipalities, actions are put in place during the month of October (walking, running, sale of goodies, etc.). Check with your municipality if you would like to participate in one of them.

Why is it important to advance research?

  • 1 in 8 women risk being affected by this cancer during their lifetime
  • More than 60,000 women are affected by this cancer each year
  • 12,000 deaths per year in France
  • 88% survival rate if detected early, at the localized stage.

Key dates from 25 years of medical advances:

  • 1998 : First targeted treatment against HER2+ breast cancer.
  • 2004 : Generalization of organized breast cancer screening in France.
  • 2011 : First result on the effectiveness of hormone therapy in preventing recurrence of hormone-dependent breast cancer.
  • 2016 : Targeted therapy for women with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer, positive for hormone receptors and HER2.
  • 2018 : A first specific targeted therapy for BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancers.
  • 2019 : Discovery of immune cells that attack cancer cells. Female survival improved by up to 80%.
  • 2022 : First immunotherapy for locally advanced triple-negative breast cancers.

If you want to know more about the breast cancer screening campaign, go to the League Against Cancer page.


The “Ch’ti Coureurs” association:

For our second year of participation in Pink October, we have once again chosen a local association very involved in the fight against cancer: the "Ch'ti runners".

The objective of this association created in 2007 is to improve the daily lives of people affected by cancer in the Hauts-de-France region . The actions carried out aim to raise money which will then be used to finance palliative care. This palliative care is active and continuous non-medical care which is provided and practiced by an interdisciplinary team. They complement medical care and are treatments that serve to relieve the patient's pain and soothe their psychological suffering.

Each year, several actions are put in place, including Roparun, the Caudry urban trail, the Playmobil exhibition, quiz evenings, etc. in order to raise as much money as possible to help the sick.

For them, nothing is impossible . There is no such thing as small gestures and each gesture, no matter how small, can have immense consequences and can even change a life!

If you would like to know more about this magnificent association, do not hesitate to visit their website !

“Adding life to their days when it is no longer possible to add days to their lives”


Essence box and Pink October

Pink Ribbon Pin

Essence Box

€2.69 €2.99 -10%
(6 reviews)
  • -10%

Throughout the month of October, we will be selling pins bearing the image of Pink October and all the amounts collected will be donated to the association at the end of the campaign.

In addition, for each order that you place on our site during the month of October, €1 will be donated to this association.

We are all mobilizing during this month of October for this good cause!






Some useful illustrations for breast cancer screening:

poster-autopalpation.jpg     Poster-signs-cancer.jpg